FAQs about Badal Hajj & Umrah
Answering the most important questions about performing ibadah via proxy.
The importance of Hajj
Hajj is a fundamental pillar of Islam, required of those who can afford the journey. The following are the basic requirements for Hajj:
- Must be a Muslim
- Must be mentally sound (not insane)
- Must be free (not a slave)
- Must have enough provisions to support dependents during their absence, and be financially capable of covering the journey’s costs.
- The route to the pilgrimage must be safe.
- A woman must be accompanied by her husband or a Mahram (a male relative she cannot marry under Islamic law).
If these conditions are not met, Hajj is not obligatory (Fardh). There is no need to take on debt or use “Fly Now, Pay Later” schemes to perform Hajj. Additionally, Hajj is not required for those who are blind, unable to walk, or chronically ill.
Once the conditions for Hajj are met, it becomes mandatory (Waajib) to perform Hajj at the first available opportunity. Delaying the pilgrimage is considered a grave sin, and the person will be classified as a Faasiq (disobedient to Allah).
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
“Hasten in performing the obligatory Hajj, for one does not know what obstacles may arise.”
But what happens if a person who intended to perform Hajj, having met all the conditions, passes away or becomes critically ill before completing the pilgrimage?
A hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Abbas illustrates this scenario:
A woman from the tribe of Khath’am asked the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) about performing Hajj on behalf of her elderly and infirm father, who was unable to undertake the journey. The Prophet (peace be upon him) responded: “Yes, you may perform Hajj on his behalf.”

What is Badal Hajj?
Hajj Badal is the practice of performing Hajj on behalf of someone who is unable to do so. The following conditions must be met:
- The person for whom Hajj is being performed must have passed away or be critically ill with no hope of recovery.
- Ideally, the expenses for Hajj Badal should come from the wealth left behind by the deceased.
- The family should have the financial means to cover the costs after settling the deceased’s debts.
- The cost of Hajj Badal should not exceed one-third of the cost for an individual performing Hajj.
- The person performing Hajj Badal must have already completed Hajj themselves.
If the deceased’s wealth is only sufficient to pay off debts, the family is not obligated to perform Hajj Badal. If the family wishes to pool resources to cover the costs despite this, it is commendable, but not required. No one should burden themselves or their family if they lack the financial means. Allah knows best.
Other factors and considerations of
Badal Hajj
Here are some additional details and lesser-known aspects about Badal Hajj that you might find interesting:
1. Hajj Badal is only for those who had the ability during their lifetime
While Hajj Badal allows someone to perform Hajj on behalf of a deceased or critically ill person, it is only applicable if the person was financially capable and obligated to perform Hajj during their lifetime but was unable to fulfill it. If the person never had the financial or physical capacity during their lifetime, Hajj Badal is not required.
2. A separate intention (niyyah) is required
The individual performing Hajj Badal must make a specific niyyah (intention) before starting the pilgrimage that they are doing it on behalf of the deceased or the person who is unable to perform Hajj themselves. This intention is essential for the act to be valid, and it distinguishes it from their own Hajj.
3. Hajj Badal can be done for multiple people, but not in the same Hajj
A person can perform Hajj Badal for more than one individual over their lifetime, but only one person’s Hajj can be performed in a single pilgrimage. Each time a Hajj is performed on behalf of someone, it must be for one individual only.
4. The person performing Hajj Badal should be pious and trustworthy
In Islamic tradition, it is recommended to choose a person who is devout and has knowledge of Hajj rituals to perform Hajj Badal. This ensures that the pilgrimage is done with sincerity and in compliance with Islamic principles.
5. Hajj Badal cannot be done on behalf of someone who is able to perform it themselves
If someone is physically and financially able to perform Hajj, but they have simply delayed or postponed it, they cannot delegate someone to perform Hajj Badal on their behalf. It is only applicable for those who are deceased or permanently unable to make the journey due to chronic illness or other valid reasons.
6. Hajj Badal is not obligatory if debts remain unpaid
Before performing Hajj Badal on behalf of someone, all their debts must be cleared. If the deceased had outstanding debts and no wealth was left to pay them, Hajj Badal is not obligatory. Clearing debts takes precedence over Hajj, as fulfilling financial obligations is a significant aspect of Islamic law.
7. Hajj Badal for the deceased vs. the critically ill
- For a deceased person, Hajj Badal is typically performed from the wealth they left behind, and the family may arrange for it
- For someone who is critically ill and unlikely to recover, Hajj Badal can be performed even during their lifetime if they are unable to physically go themselves. However, this is usually done when their condition is such that there is no hope of recovery.
8. There is no age restriction for the person performing Hajj Badal
As long as the person performing the Hajj Badal has completed their own Hajj and meets the necessary conditions, there is no age restriction. It can be done by a person of any age, but they should be mature, responsible, and have a proper understanding of the Hajj rituals.
9. Reward for performing Hajj Badal
The one who performs Hajj Badal on behalf of another will receive a reward from Allah for completing the pilgrimage, and the one for whom it is performed will also receive the reward of having completed their Hajj. This is an act of immense reward and carries significant spiritual benefits for both parties.
10. There are no gender restrictions for Hajj Badal
Both men and women can perform Hajj Badal, as long as they have fulfilled the requirement of performing their own Hajj first. There are no gender-specific rulings that would prevent someone from being chosen to perform this sacred duty for another individual.
11. Different terms for different circumstances
- Hajj Badal for the deceased is often referred to as Hajj ‘an al-mayyit.
- Hajj Badal for the living is referred to as Hajj ‘an al-hayy.
12. Hajj Badal is a debated topic
Some Islamic scholars hold differing views on Hajj Badal. For instance, certain scholars from the Maliki school of thought do not recognize Hajj Badal for the deceased, stating that the obligation of Hajj was tied to the individual, and if they did not fulfill it, no one else can. However, the majority of scholars from other schools (Hanafi, Shafi’i, and Hanbali) agree that Hajj Badal is valid based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
By keeping these aspects in mind, you gain a deeper understanding of the scope and conditions surrounding Badal Hajj. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us @ HajjBadal.sg !
Select Badal Package
Badal Hajj Package
$3,000.00 – $3,900.00
Premium service designed to fulfill the spiritual obligation of Hajj on behalf of individuals who are unable to undertake the pilgrimage themselves due to health, age, or other valid reasons. This comprehensive offering ensures that the rites of Hajj are performed by a qualified representative with utmost sincerity and adherence to Islamic principles. The service includes meticulous planning, certified documentation, and real-time updates to provide peace of mind and spiritual connection for the sponsoring individual. Our Badal Hajj Package offers a meaningful way to uphold this sacred duty with integrity and reverence.
Badal Umrah Package
A dedicated service that enables the performance of Umrah on behalf of individuals who are unable to travel due to health, age, or other valid circumstances. With utmost devotion and adherence to Islamic guidelines, a qualified representative carries out the sacred rituals on behalf of the sponsor. The service includes careful arrangement, authenticated documentation, and detailed updates to ensure a seamless and spiritually fulfilling experience. Badal Umrah provides a compassionate solution to fulfill the noble act of worship, connecting hearts through faith and devotion.
*In the event that Hajj or Umrah Badal cannot be performed due to unforeseen circumstances, you have the option to request a full refund or to defer it to the following year.
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